About Us

Our Story
DAJ Remodelling and Construction Limited is an indigenous company with stakes and interest in various sections of the economy.
Our story began as ordinary partnership in 2008 when we started as a general works contractor, before we were incorporated under the Company and Allied Matters Act with RC number 921179 in the year 2010.
over the years, the firm has undertaken many challenging projects and have accumulated skills, technical know-how and experiences in design and building solutions, project management services, building trades and related engineering works. We presently have over 10 qualified professionals and other supporting staffs.
Our activities cover such areas as Feasibility studies, Design, Training, Supplies, Supervision and Project Management of the following branches of Engineering:
➢Property Development
➢Structures and Geotechnics ➢Building & Road Construction ➢Remodeling and Renovations ➢Supplies and other related services
DAJ Construction and Remodeling Ltd takes on the role of main contractor for projects and perform project management services to coordinate for both public and Private Organization.
We also provide design input and engineering solutions as value–added services to our client.
Primarily, time-tested management techniques are applied at DAJ Construction and Remodeling Ltd to achieve excellent control on project execution, resulting in lasting, effective and economical project solution. We are also fully in line with Nigeria government policies on construction, building and remodeling in rural and urban centres across the country.
Our Management Team
Our Team is made of Erudite Professional with Expertise in Building, Construction and Geotechnic Engineering
DAJ Remodelling and Construction Limited has a well-structured management team that is flexible and adaptable to the rapid technological changes within the building and construction industry.
In line with our corporate objectives to maintain the highest quality attainable, we have assembled a highly qualified and extensively experienced technical crew.
At DAJ Construction and Remodelling Limited, a Board of Trustees is responsible for all policy and control functions of the organization while the Senior Management oversees day-to-day management, leadership, planning, implementation and monitoring of programs.
DAJ Construction and Remodelling consists of professionals such as building design, electrical engineers, quality assurance, quality control, structural engineers, and non-engineering professionals who give of their time, experience and skills, to provide quality service delivery to our esteemed clients.
As our business model is very much based on strong personal relationships the right personalities are essential. We often hear and read from our principals and customers, and we live it ourselves that business growth is important; we will only achieve this growth when we help our people to grow their personalities.
Our Expert Team
In order to render the best professional Engineering services to the satisfaction of our clients we have succeeded in putting together a team of competent and capable Nigerian engineers with extensive and varied experience in their chosen field of specialization.
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Architecture;
* Master’s degree in Architecture
* Certified Architect. ARCON
* Associate Member. American Institute of Architects
Overview of Responsibilities
▪ Overall responsibility for monitoring all the activities of the organization.
▪ Responsible for quality assurance of all inspected materials and maintain close communication with employer/client
▪ He is the authorized representative of the firm and shall interact with clients on behalf of the firm.
Key Qualifications
In a way, Arch. Ademola Alowolodu has been innovating his whole career, with iterations ranging from being an architect and residential developer to commercial builder and remodeling innovator. His love for architecture stems back from high school, but he quickly realized developers had more control over projects than the design firm for which he was working. In short, he wanted project control from start to finish.
Alowolodu Ademola Joseph holds a master’s degree in architecture with over 15 years of experience. This entire experience has been in interacting with his client on behalf of the firms, the design and construction supervision of several building projects in Nigeria and architectural design of residential building. He is a Cad specialist. He has had extensive experience of Architecture design and construction supervision.
Education: B.Eng. Electrical Engineering;
Membership of Professional Societies
▪ Member, Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) ▪ Member Nigeria Society of Engineer
Overview of Responsibilities ▪ Establishment of site offices
▪ Assist the employer in the interpretation of provision in the contract documents and technical specifications
▪ Modify and issue detailed drawings to the client
▪ Regular supervision of works and monitors the progress of work for timely completion of projects
▪ Advising thefirm inallmatters relatedto theprogress ofwork, withparticular reference to delays, possible reasons and mitigating measures
Key Qualifications
Engineer Alowolodu Adegboyega holds a Degree in Electrical Engineering with 10 years of experience. This entire experience has been in design, installation and managing of the daily running of site offices and other company matters. He has had extensive experience in project managements.
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Building; Master’s degree in Structures (in view)
Overview of Responsibilities:
▪ Cost and quality control analyst
▪ Assist the firm in the interpretation of provision in the contract documents and technical specifications
▪ Evolve and implement quantity and quality control procedures
▪ Strictly monitor the progress of work for timely completion of projects in line with specifications
▪ Completion inspections. Verify and certify contractor’s statements at completion
Key Qualifications
Arinola Alowolodu is undergoing a master’s degree in Structural Engineering in the University of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria with 8 years of experience. This entire experience has been in supervision of building and construction projects. she has had extensive experience of engineering project managements.
Our Mission
To provide, professional construction and remodelling services through qualitative, quantitative, and accessible building solutions in the industry while endearing our numerous clients to us via our ability to deliver good and quality work within the timelines agreed.